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According to the agreement No. 488 dated 27.02 2015, Russian strategy LLC supplied a set of engineering perimeter fences for the objects of the Transneft system. During the period of our cooperation, we have noted your competence, efficiency and desire to do your work efficiently and in a timely manner. The quality and completeness of our products meet our requirements. We plan to work with You in the future! Please let us know if there are any new developments in the field of perimeter protection. The head of integration, LLC "Contact-With" Pirojenko D. V.
Limited liability company “Dalypromstroymontazh” extends appreciation to the management and working team of company “Russkaya Strategiya” for timely delivery and high technical quality and workmanship of the equipment intended for perimeter security of the facilities of RAO “Energy Systems of the East”» (PJSC “Kamchatenergo”, JSC “Sakhalinenergo”,JSC “DGK”, and the branches of PJSC RusHydro (JSC “Burejskaya HPS” and “Nizhneburejskaya HPS”). The equipment complies in full to the quality requirements. “Dalypromstroymontazh” recommends company “Russkaya Strategiya” as a reliable partner for the projects related to safety and perimeter security . Director General А.А.Pozdnyakov
JSC “Airport Roshchino” is engaged in fruitful cooperation with “Egoza” Company (Miass, Chelyabinsk Oblast) for ten years already . In August and September of 2011 limited liability company “Egoza” conducted works on making the protective perimeter of the parking areas for “Airport Roshchino” using metal fencing “Topaz”. “Egoza” Company demonstrates itself as a professional and reliable partner. Installation of the fencing “Topaz” at the facility was conducted quickly, with good quality and guaranteed maintenance. After installation of the fencing “Topaz” all attempts of unauthorized persons to gain access to the protected area fall through. We can see that the specialists of group of companies “Russkaya Strategiya”are charged with corporate spirit and the end result is really important to them. We are sure that metal chain-link fencing “Topaz”, made by “Egoza” Company, is the best opportunity to ensure safety of any facility. We appreciate your work V.G.Aleksandrov, Deputy Director for Aviation Safety.